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Semperfli - Quill Subs

Semperfli - Quill Subs

Regular price $6.96 USD
Regular price $7.70 USD Sale price $6.96 USD
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Peacock Quill Subs Multicard

A multicard selection of artificial quills in different widths and black and green peacock substitutes. is part of a range of Peacock Quill Subs. was designed to be particularly special in that it has that same amazing multicolor iridescence of natural peacock which is very difficult to reproduce in a synthetic material. The full range of Peacock Quill Subs is available in 5 different sizes, in black peacock or green peacock color options, from Extra Small which are perfect for Perdigons to wide 1.5mm (1/16”) Braid for streamers and salmon flies.

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